Posted on December 24th, 2018 @ 04:02pm
School of Physiotherapy, RK University organized an Aerobics/ Group Training Fitness Course and The Pre and Postnatal Fitness Training Course from 11th to 13th February 2017 with an aim to spread advanced knowledge and share skills on aerobic fitness and pre and postnatal fitness. The workshop was coordinated by Dr. Ashika Tanna, Assistant Professor, School of Physiotherapy R K. University with the support of other teaching staffs and final year students.
Indian Academy of Fitness Training (IAFT) is committed in bringing the best quality fitness training programs across the country, headed by Dr. Surajeet Chakrabarty. Our Resource person- Dr. Surajeet Chakrabarty, Founder and Chairman of Indian Academy of Fitness Training is a pioneer educationalist in the field of Fitness. The entire Training course was facilitated by Dr. Darshan Talreja, Dr. Yagnesh Trivedi and Dr. Priyanka Ravel (Rajkot).
The Training workshop was scheduled on 11th, 12th and 13th February 2017 from 9:00am to 8:00pm which started with the morning prayer and warm up sessions. A total of 50 volunteers participated in the workshop including Physiotherapy professionals, School of Physiotherapy students and students from various Physiotherapy colleges of Gujarat. The workshop focused on Aerobic Exercises, Step Aerobics, Kick Boxing, Choreographic Aerobics, Resisted band Exercises, Yogic Exercises, Pilates Exercises, Core workout, Physio ball workout and Pre and Postnatal Physiotherapy. Moreover, hands on skill Demonstrations, Group workouts, Zumba dance, Partner training were some of the highlights of the workshop which were thoroughly enjoyed by all participants. Lastly, with 30 course credits the certificate distribution was conducted on the final day of the workshop.
It was indeed a great platform to learn and expand our thinking the field of Fitness.