World Diabetes Day
Posted on December 26th, 2018 @ 10:27am
School of Physiotherapy (SOPT), RK University has Celebrated World Diabetes Day on 14th November 2016 for awareness about Diabetes.
The theme of this year focused on is “EYES ON DIABETES†to promote diabetes awareness and spread the message to the community through the students of SOPT. Diabetes is a disease that creeps on an individual and affect most of the organs and body systems such as eyes, nervous system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system, integumentary system etc. According to WHO survey, over 420 million people around the world and more than 90 million people in south-east Asia have diabetes. The cost of healthcare is trending upwards and soon, it will become economic burden for developing countries like India. The World Diabetes Day celebration takes place annually on 14th Nov led by International Diabetes Federation and WHO to promote awareness and wellness as well as encourage unity through campaign to combat the debilitating picture of diabetes. Various organizations e.g. Government bodies, Universities, schools and even private firms are participating for wellness and social cause. Promotion of the “World Diabetes Day†by educational and research institute like RK University is the one of the national as well as social responsibility. RK University has become symbol to promote such kind of activities. Health promotional events are essential extra-curricular activities that provide wide range of knowledge and encourage active participation of students and hence, it is beneficial for the growth of the University. By inculcating events related to wellness and social cause, RK University aims to „Prevent, Treat & Beat Diabetes’.
For celebration of World Diabetes Day, School of Physiotherapy, RK University organized seminar at campus on 14th November, 2016. Organiser committee key members were Dr Ankur Khant, HOD SOPT; Dr Sarfaraz Alam, Assistant Professor SOPT; Dr Krupa Raithatha, Lecturer SOPT. Dr Priyanshu Rathod, Director of school of Physiotherapy, RK University has inaugurated the event by informative and motivational speech. Students of 5th & 7th semesters, Interns and Post Graduates of Physiotherapy have participated. Key note address was given by Dr Sarfaraz Alam, focusing on importance of the day with facts and figures. Introductory lecture about the topic was delivered by Dr Krupa D Tank, Assistant Professor SOPT that given a clear picture of diabetes and its complications. Moreover, she has explained role of education, awareness and physiotherapy in prevention and management of diabetes. Case discussion on diabetic patient by Dr Sarfaraz Alam, further developed keen interest among students and faculties to crave for knowledge and its implication for well being.
A case of diabetes was discussed by Dr Sarfaraz Alam on patient. Live experience of evaluation of the patient was interesting for students. Personal interaction between a medical person and patient was helpful in learning to understand case study; and correlate theory and practical perspective of the diabetes.
Students of 5th & 7th Semester participated and presented on theme “EYES ON DIABETES†based Digital. Juries for this competition were Dr. Amit Sharma & Dr. Ankur Khant. Winner team for digital poster was Mr Jaydev Pandya and 1st runner up team was Ms. Jahanvi Rathod & Ms. Juhi Rathod.
Vote of Thanks was given to all the students, faculties and to Dr. Priyanshu Rathod (Director of School of Physiotherapy) by Dr. Amit Sharma, Deputy Director for this successful event