Celebration of World Heart Day -2019
Posted on June 21st, 2021 @ 09:10am
The World Heart Federation declared 29th September as a “WORLD HEART DAY”. In context to this, The School of Physiotherapy, RK University is celebrating this day every year. This year the day was celebrated with onsite visit to DHAVAL AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIES, BEDI, RAJKOT.
Physiotherapy camp was organized to assess the physical fitness of employees. Around 125 employees took advantage of the health checkup camp. The registered employees were then directed towards the checkup area. Blood pressure, Pulse rate, Respiratory rate, SPO2, PEFR and PFT was measured and recorded. The fitness capacity of the employees were also checked by TECUMSEH step test. After doing the checkup, consultation was done and physiotherapy advice was given to them. Workers were highly satisfied with Health checkup and appreciated the efforts taken by Students of school of physiotherapy.